
SVH examen sociale hygiëne Turks

(SVH sosyal sınav hijyenik Türkce)

Exam duration: 40 minutes
Number of questions: 40
Pass mark: 29 points
Tools: pen and scrap paper
Form: flextoets
Price: from € 185
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SVH diploma Sociale Hygiëne

The SVH exam Social Responsibility is a computer-based exam with 40 multiple choice questions. The pass mark is set on 29/40 (29 correct answers out of 40 questions to pass the exam).
Duration: The exam takes 40 minutes.
Languages: English, Modern Standard Arabic, Mandarin Chinese and Turkish.
Price: € 185,- (tax included).
Included in the price:
1) Exam Social Responsibility
2) Certificate ‘SVH Diploma Sociale Hygiëne’
3) Certificate ‘Verklaring kennis en inzicht sociale hygiëne’

Make sure to be well prepared

The book SVH Social Responsibility is available for everyone who want to go well prepared to the SVH exam Social Responsibility. This coursebook is the English translation of the theory book Sociale Hygiëne.  It contains teaching material about statutory requirements regarding social responsibility in the hotel and catering or off licence industries where alcohol is served or sold. You can find the coursebook SVH Social Responsibility here. Make sure to be well prepared and do well in your exam!

The exam is based on final terms: Final terms Social Responsibility for the hotel and catering industry and off-licences. You can download this document here.

Do you have dyslexia? Extra time (15 minutes) is being allowed. You have to send a official certificate of dyslexia before you have booked your exam. You can contact us and send your official certificate of dyslexia to the following email address: info@mijnsocialehygiene.nl.

Download the Regulations of MSH (only available in Dutch):

Reglement Mijn Sociale Hygiëne



This page contains all downloadable documents from My Social Hygiene.


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Book a Social Hygiene course with one of the trainers recognized by the SVH.